+41 79 660 0041 •
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  • Altec ICT, schnell und unkompliziert
    ICT Services
    Fast and Simple
    Your partner for IT Services. We are happy to provide
    consulting services, to install and service your IT or
    to help out if you are short on staff. Check out this
    website to see what we can do for you. Please call us!
    Learn more about us here...
    Service Provider
    Your IT
    Service Desk
  • Altec ICT Infrastruktur, Projekte, Server & PCs
    For all your needs
    Projects & Infrastructure
    Server, PC's, Software
    Managed IT, Support
    and more...
  • Ascendis, Plan, Build & Run Managed IT, Full Service Provider
    Plan - Build - Run
    Simplifying IT

Thanks for dropping by LOOK AROUND, WE HAVE A LOT TO OFFER

As a company, you have a variety of ICT needs and requirements. You therefore seek an IT partner who can provide you with competent and personalised advice on all aspects of your IT operational needs. We believe that only long-term, trust-based partnerships lead to success. Our broad technical and conceptual understanding allows us to provide you with comprehensive care and counselling.

Does this appeal to you? Please call us, we will be happy to give you free initial advice.

Some of our references